
Help Yourself

Dear Mr./ Mis.

World terrorist incidents continue to occur, your land also, it is true. But we do not know Where its source, but if we look at the law of development, we can easily find some of the causes.

The Company pursuant to this and experience the start-up of this small company, and the company is divided into four sections: the Institute, the Analyzing, the Pruduktion and Customer service, in order to allow people to truly live a peaceful, quiet, and free society.

But lack of funds is difficult to achieve the ambitious plan of this world, so see your website to come up with an idea, I hope you can or you helf me contact other companies join my Company. Our website http://www.asbhj.com.

If the company's financing plan would have failed, I dare to predict the future transfer of information is no longer with the network, but the brain-space transmission. This is new network technology. I hope you take advantage of the forward-looking view on this issue.

Lastly I hope you can help me, more to help you. I can guarantee that if the funds come integrated into the normal operation of enterprises, and I want we are not oly bring a new change for the world, but also we together will become the world's richest man. This is the modern world an indisputable fact.

Of course,  corporate and financing Plan have some prerequisties. If there are any questions, please to see my company's website, the consultation or a message. I will answer everyone.

This start-up enterprises in China, There is no government background's enterprises. Perhaps you are looking for Chinese enterprises in the minds of you at a disadvantage. But you can the other way round, Perhaps this disadvantage is my company's advantage.


Your truly


Zahn Song
Executive Director



1. Anshan Baihe Jian consulting Co., Ltd. has no any political background and government background.

2. Join my company has a prerequisite, please attention at website http://www.asbhj.com .

3. support me = help yourself.


